Strategy Master

Local Master · 6 months

Open registrations

El Master en Estrategia es un programa diseñado con el objetivo de formar en seis meses a aquellos que desean iniciar su carrera en en el campo de la estrategia en todas sus vertientes, a través de una formación actualizada en las últimas tendencias y herramientas de la industria.




Our Local Master lasts 6 months and the possibility of doing up to 6 months of internship once the course has finished.


Monday to Thursday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.


It is essentially a course in person. Certain lessons can be carried out in virtual format depending on the topic or special circumstances.


The total cost of the course is €6,600. Additionally, you will have to pay €300 to reserve your place during the registration process.

What does the Master of Strategy consist of?

In-person classes

At Miami Ad School Madrid we have almost 20 years of experience in the training of advertising strategists of success, in fact, we can say that we were the first Spanish school to train strategy professionals. During all this time, we have helped hundreds of students achieve their professional goals.


Once graduated, you have the possibility of doing up to 6 months of internships in Spanish agencies and companies thanks to our agreement with the Miguel de Cervantes European University, through which you can obtain the title of Expert in Advertising Creativity.


This program will not only provide you with the broadest and newest content in the field of strategy, but it will also offer you the opportunity to make valuable contacts and build a professional network before you even graduate.

Double Degree

You will obtain a double degree, the local Miami Ad School Master's degree in Strategy + your own University Degree in Creativity from the UEMC (provided that you have previously completed these internships and have an official university degree previously obtained. *The degree issuance fees correspond be paid by the student if requested).
You will learn to develop yourself in different strategist profiles to graduate with all the possibilities to choose your professional direction.

Creative Strategist

We are talking about the strategist who will develop his career in creative agencies. He is a figure very close to the creative departments and helps conceptualize the client's business problems and brands in an inspiring, creative, and human way.

Brand & Business Strategist

They are in charge of making brands work. Those who draw the core of the business, the purpose, the positioning, the consumer they are going to target... Everything a brand needs to be part of the world.

Cultural Strategist

A profile similar to the coolhunter that works with trends, social changes, meanings... It is focused on how brands are influenced by culture and how they can be participants in it in a coherent and natural way.

Digital & Communications Strategist

How do messages get where they need to go? Behind every brand and every campaign there is a deep understanding of the channels, the media and the people. Without this understanding the chances of ideas succeeding are reduced to a minimum.

Social Media & Content Strategist

We talk about the strategists who bring brands and their positioning to the world of social networks and content. They are those who understand how connecting with audiences on online channels works today and think about how to distribute their stories among them.

Digital & Innovation Strategist

How do organizations address complex problems beyond the here and now? How can we think long-term innovatively? The strategists who work with design and innovation are those who are in charge of identifying needs and, thanks to their vision of the future, make the best decisions to solve them.

On the day of your graduation ceremony, you will have the opportunity to participate in an event with a speed dating type job interview format with the most prominent agencies and companies both nationally and internationally. Afterwards, we will hold an event where you can continue chatting in a relaxed and informal manner with the most prominent figures in the industry.

Do you need advice?

Paula is a V8 2.5 FULL EQUIP SUV capable of addressing and solving up to 6 thousand problems at a time. She is our director of studies and can surely solve your professional and life concerns.

Gabi Teixeira
Strategy Director & Cultural Researcher en DAVID Madrid
Clara Benayas
Directora de Estrategia & Cultura en La Despensa
Laura Alfaya
Brand & Creative Strategy en el Ruso de Rocky
Laura Becerril
Head of comms&innovation en Burger King España
Rocío Ramos
Spain Content Lead at TikTok
Inés Fonseca
Head of Marketing Johnnie Walker Southern Europe
Silvia Echezarreta
Head Of Marketing en Cabify
Stef Silva
Head & Creative Director at Invisible, part of Jungle

Sign up in 4 simple steps

Open registrations

Download the registration contract and upload it filled

🧠 Think about it: Nike, Google, Instagram, CocaCola… Brands speak to us every day from all possible platforms. What if, in addition to selling us products or services, they were able to make our lives easier in some way? What if brands could be allies of our life, of our problem, of…. (Whatever!)?

Think of a brand that can solve a problem around you and how it would do it. Through a new product? Through an APP, a service, an advertising campaign? In some other way?

«How could __________ (the chosen brand) solve a problem of ___________ (chosen problem)?»

1. Define the problem

2. Think about a brand

3. Come up with all the possible solutions you can think of, name them and tell us about each one in one or two paragraphs.

Send it to us in the format you prefer


🇺🇸 If you are going to pay for a course or reserve a place, please Don't forget to put the student's name in the transfer concept.

🇬🇧 If you want to pay the reservation fee or a student tuition, please don't forget to mention the student name in the bank transfer description.

· Account holder / Name of beneficiary:

Miami Ad School Madrid, SL

· Owner's address / Beneficiary's address:

C/Santa Cruz de Marcenado, 4 - 28015 Madrid

· Banking entity / Beneficiary's bank:


· Address of the banking entity / Bank address:

C/ Arturo Soria 166. 28043. Madrid




ES04 2100 2907 4902 0012 3610

· Account number / Account number:

2100 2907 4902 0012 3610

*También puedes enviarnos tu solicitud por mail a adjuntando los siguientes documentos:


🇺🇸 If you are going to pay for a course or reserve a place, please no olvides poner el nombre del estudiante en el concepto de la transferencia.

🇬🇧 If you want to pay the reservation fee or a student tuition, please don’t forget to mention the student name in the bank transfer description.

· Account holder / Name of beneficiary:

Miami Ad School Madrid, SL

· Owner's address / Beneficiary's address:

C/Santa Cruz de Marcenado, 4 – 28015 Madrid

· Banking entity / Beneficiary's bank:


· Address of the banking entity / Bank address:

C/ Arturo Soria 166. 28043. Madrid




ES04 2100 2907 4902 0012 3610

· Account number / Account number:

2100 2907 4902 0012 3610

More information

Dentro del mundo de la publicidad y la comunicación, aprender planificación estratégica permite identificar oportunidades, definir objetivos claros y diseñar caminos para alcanzarlos de manera efectiva. Este proceso permite no solo optimizar recursos, sino también asegurar que las ideas creativas se alineen con los intereses de los consumidores y los objetivos de la empresa.

Aprender strategic planning puede brindarte una ventaja competitiva dentro del campo creativo, ya que las empresas y campañas exitosas dependen de una sólida planificación.

Estudiar planificación estratégica creativa puede marcar una gran diferencia para destacar en el mundo de la publicidad. Esta formación proporciona herramientas para convertir conceptos abstractos en campañas de gran impacto que no solo capturen la atención de los clientes, sino que construyan una relación sólida. Además, permite identificar oportunidades estratégicas, aprovechando tanto los datos como las tendencias del mercado para diseñar soluciones que realmente resuenen en el consumidor.

Por último, otorga una ventaja competitiva para poder destacarte dentro del rubro, abriéndote oportunidades para trabajar dentro del sector de planificación en agencias o empresas.

Nuestro máster de planificación estratégica permite desarrollar una amplia gama de habilidades que cubren tanto aspectos creativos como analíticos de la estrategia publicitaria. Entre las habilidades que se desarrollan se incluyen:

  • Pensamiento crítico y estratégico
  • Creatividad aplicada a la estrategia
  • Conocimiento profundo de medios y canales
  • Visión integral de la industria
  • Trabajo en equipo y liderazgo
  • Comunicación clara y persuasiva

Realizar un curso de planificación estratégica puede aportar numerosas ventajas, tanto a nivel profesional como personal.

  • Mejora de habilidades analíticas y creativas: estudiar strategic planning fomenta tanto la creatividad como el análisis, dos competencias cruciales para tomar decisiones informadas que tengan un impacto positivo en las empresas.
  • Desarrollo de visión integral: permite comprender cómo se interconectan los distintos elementos del entorno publicitario, desde la conceptualización de ideas hasta su implementación, brindando una perspectiva completa del proceso estratégico.
  • Posibilidad de especialización: dentro de la planificación estratégica se encuentran diferentes perfiles, como Creative Strategist, Brand Strategist y Digital & Communications Strategist. Esto permite encontrar el rol que mejor se adapte a los intereses y fortalezas propias.
  • Oportunidades de networking: estudiar en Miami Ad School facilita el acceso a una red de contactos clave en la industria, brindando conexiones con profesionales y potenciales empleadores.

A la hora de elegir una escuela para estudiar planificación estratégica, es crucial considerar aspectos clave como la reputación y la experiencia que tienen en brindar esta formación. También es importante analizar el programa académico que se estudiará, asegurándote de que se encuentre actualizado y alineado con lo que exige el mercado.

Otro aspecto importante es conocer la trayectoria de los profesores. Si cuentan con una experiencia sólida en el mundo publicitaria, podrás aprender de sus conocimientos prácticos.

Por último, te recomendamos que revises la titulación que obtendrás, para asegurarte de que tengas reconocimiento académico y sea valorado en la industria.

Madrid cuenta con algunas de las mejores escuelas publicitarias de Europa. Entre ellas, Miami Ad School se posiciona como pionera en la formación de profesionales de planificación estratégica, con más de 20 años de experiencia.

Nuestro máster en Stategic Planning ofrece una formación integral y práctica para poder destacarse en el ámbito publicitario. Además de permitirte adquirir habilidades esenciales para convertirte en un profesional destacado, nuestro programa facilita conexiones con profesionales y empresas líderes del sector, potenciando tu desarrollo profesional.

Master of advertising strategy and creativity in Madrid

The best intensive and in-person advertising strategy course

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